Our Centres offer...

We support two main centres: the first is looking after street children, and the second is dedicated to Education for young girls. Another part of our activities consists of sharing our action with children from affluent European countries mostly, through Art classes and work toward the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.

Street Children

Nazareth Centre

Supporting family reintegration for street children

Education for girls

St Joseph Centre

Teaching life-saving skills to support economic empowerment

Street Children

Nazareth Centre, Dakar, Senegal


Twice a week the team reach out to children and young adults where they live, in open-air sewers and rubbish dumping sites.

Their mission is to deliver first aid, identify especially vulnerable children, and advertise other free services available.

The team also gets involved in fighting back drug addiction and sexual violence between children and young adults.

Weekly cost for 2 outreach actions:   £69

In our

Once a week (“Wednesday Nazareth“) the centre welcomes between 30 and 65 children.

They feed them, give them first aid, allow them to clean up, give them essential clothing, offer them activities and try to convince them to go back to their families.

Total number of staff for the Nazareth Centre:   9

Annual cost for Centre’s upkeep:   £29,000

Cost for one day (Wednesday Nazareth):   £100

Summer Camps


Every year the Centre tries to offer a summer camp during which children are taken to a nice and protected area outside Dakar. Children get reacquainted with life in a community instead of only fending for themselves.

This is usually the second (but most significant) step leading to family reintegration.

Camp duration:    10 days

Number of children:    35

Whole Summer Camp cost:  £6,000

Family Reunification

This is the ultimate goal, but things can be quite challenging: often children left their families or the local madrasa because of abuse or very poor living conditions, and they are not necessarily very keen to go back to the same environment.

Minimum number of cases per year:   70

Cost to take a child/young man back to his family:   £116

Cost of follow up for a child reunited with family:   £190

Education for Girls

Saint Joseph Centre, Dakar, Senegal


Girls are trained in areas such as professional cooking and sewing to allow them to become financially self-sufficient and provide for themselves and their children throughout their whole lives.

On completion of this training the girls get a State-accredited degree, even allowing for the best among them to keep going for a full “CAP d’Habillement ou de Restoration” (official French qualification for cooking or sewing).


The Centre is fighting analphabetisation and gives young girls the opportunity to learn how to read/write/count.

Literacy is a big deal, and the Centre also trains the girls to enable them simple budgeting of their future work activities: how to plan for expenses and how to set money aside.

Many children in Senegal do not have easy access to schools, but the local culture makes it even harder for girls.


StJoseph 11

Senegal suffers from poor infrastructure making access to water difficult and further suffers from monsoon rain flooding the whole country. This has spectacular consequences in Dakar where the lack of infrastructure doesn’t allow the water to be evacuated and becomes a breeding ground for diseases.

The Centre educates young girls about the importance of hygiene, both personal and where they live.


Annual cost for Centre’s upkeep:  £12,300

 Full annual girl’s cost:   £450

Annual cost per teacher:  £1,100

Number of teachers:   4

Number of students:   42

Years of study:   3

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